Esme Clarke

Keeper of the Old Ways | Tidesage Initiate

Marauder • Esoteric • Charlatan
"We know what we are, but not what we may be.
Do I keep my secrets or do my secrets keep me?"

Esme Clarke

— Secret Keeper —


Pronouns • She / Her | Eye Color • Green | Hair Color • Copper | Height • 5'6" | Body • Athletic | Reference | PlaylistA wild-eyed nymph, even beneath layers of Tidesage robes she gives the impression that she’s more at home in the depths of the sea or wilds of the forest. Nothing about her can be tamed from her tempest of ginger curls to the galaxies of freckles, scars, and tattoos across her body. Always beflowered and adorned with enchanted jewelry. Her voice is breathy and hypnotic.While the spark of wild magic glistens in her emerald eyes, so does a story of heartaches and bloodlust. There’s nothing simple about Esme Clarke. She is a siren’s song for ne’er-do-wells, a mystery that many wish to delve into. But this bard comes and goes as she pleases. And new winds inevitably usher in the ache of her absence to those who seek to cage her… if they survive her.


Wolfsbane VinesDown both arms and legsBotanical tattoos drawn with wolfsbane infused ink peek from under long sleeves. These tattoos are concealed by clothing, but continue from her arms, down her sides and legs— they would harm any Worgen who touches them. Upon close inspection, the tattoos on her limbs purposefully cover up a multitude of short razor scars.
Raven + MoonRibcageHer ribcage bears a stylistic Gilnean raven etched on a backdrop of a full moon. The ink shifts with Shadow magic, it's an enchanted tattoo of some kind.
Darnassian CalligraphyLeft Torso"Elun'falah shalar"


Gold PiercingEyebrow & NostrilShe wears gold piercings in her eyebrow and nostril, common in warmer regions like Gadgetzan.
Bumblebee EarringsEarsColorful earrings resembling bumblebees, made of stained glass.
Various CharmsNecklacesHer neck holds layered charm necklaces, one featuring a golden antler. These charms include runic carvings resembling ancient Drust runes which offer good luck, swift flight, underwater breathing, easy landing, and thorn shields.
Wood RingPinkyA wooden ring on her left pinky bears a binding rune for obsessive thoughts.
CompassBeltAttached to her belt is a glowing seafoam blue compass made of elemental ice.
PearlBeltA blue-gray pearl caged by a stormsilver wire in a star pattern hangs next to her compass.



Esme carries a unique mandolin, crafted from a Blackwald tree with protective runes and thorned vines; this heirloom is dubbed the Lunalyre. In hidden places one can see strange runes which are not like those commonly used. It’s strung with delicate spider webs and close inspection reveals ethereal arachnids living in its hollow. It’s held on her back by a black strap with silver-threaded design of fish and sparrows. The mandolin radiates magic from the Tidemother, but its fabrication originates from fae magic. Her voice, akin to a siren's, holds a hypnotic charm. Read More...

Notable Inventory

Esme is an accomplished herbalist and carries a variety of tools related to both herbalism and occult. She also travels extensively, so may often have survival tools. Here are a few of her more prized possessions that she keeps on hand. Details on each item are available through in-character interaction.

  • Tidefaith Book of Prayers

  • Pocket Book Planner

  • Runic Stones & Bones

  • Illuminated Tarot Set: Seasonal Theme

  • White Handkerchief embroidered with a blue “W”

  • Photo album of instant photographs

  • A Carved River Rock

Click full size individual artist credits.



Brother WorthPartnerTidesage
Lady Sery ShadowstormEmployerNoble
Brother Adjuter TidesongMentorTidesage
Sister Morgan PelagicMentorTidesage


Connected: Easily recognized as an affiliate of House Shadowstorm in Stormwind. Perhaps you have seen her coming from the strange Shadowstorm townhouse in the Mage Quarter or the bookshop, Volumes & Vellums, over by the Trading Post.Dubious Noble: Kul Tirans from Stormsong Valley may recognize the recently deceased, famed pirate hunter and jailer at Tol Dagor, Lord Christian Fallow’s widow, Lady Esmeline Fallow of Honeyshire. Who would have thought a hobbyist beekeeper was allergic to bees? So tragic.Sagely Companions: Often seen in the company of several tidesages. It isn’t a secret that some of her closest friends are those dedicated to the Tidefaith.Mercenary: Pirates may recognize her as Bloody Marion, the siren of the seas. She is a known mercenary hired by pirates and thieves for her unique vocal abilities. She has a reputation for slaughtering many Bloodsail Buccaneers. She is a friend to most pirates and thieves, always networking.Cult Personality: Her past is haunted by deep ties to Alpha Prime and his Wolf Cult. She is no longer affiliated with the collective, but was a high priestess of both the Bloodfang and Nightbane packs.


PedigreeHouse of Nobles ∙ Proudmoore Admiralty
DesignationLady ∙ Sister ∙ Bloody Marion
DevotionOld Ways ∙ Tidefaith ∙ Ex-Wolf Cultist
SyndicateSteamwheedle ∙ Rocketbling ∙ Honeyreed
CorsairBlackwater Raiders
ExpertiseStrategic Operations & Communications

Historical Snapshot

Born to an abusive family pushed to the skirts of society, Esme found herself immersed in the Wolf Cult in Gilneas at a young age as means to escape. Leaving her home with bloodshed, an artifact mandolin, and a family curse, she has always valued freedom above all else. For the next decade Esme traveled around Azeroth using her unique siren abilities furthering the Wolf Cult's agenda and striking out on her own as a black widow with a fervent sense of justice. Never staying in one place for too long, Esme has been constantly on the move as a charismatic woman who has found great wealth through morally grey means. Her motto has been 'Do What Thou Wilt' and her god has been herself.This bard has come a long way from the person she's been to the person she is now. Discovering a place in the world later in life within Stormsong Valley, she's found an overlapping interest between the Old Ways and the Tidesage path. Through encouragement from new friends and her supportive partner she's decided to dedicate herself to the Tidemother as a Tidesage. Unfortunately, one's past has a way of catching up and Esme's family has plenty of secrets to unravel in the meantime.


Multiple Paragraphs | World Builder

Esme has been roleplayed since 2010; there is ample history to discover with her. This carrd gives good insight into her character, but doesn't cover all the worldbuilding and backstory that she has. She's D&D bard (College of the Siren). I play a wide variety of characters; Esme is my main, so she has a special place in my heart.I've been roleplaying on Moon Guard since 2007. I play a wide cast of characters, typically enjoying overlapping their stories. I'm more interested in interpersonal connections than server projects. I write nuanced plots that explore friendships, relationships, and breaking generational curses. I enjoy adventure, combat, political intrigue, wholesome romance, and gritty supernatural. I'm influenced by ancient history, art, and literature; real life occultism and D&D.

Thank you Kevin Desai for the background.